Cancelation Policy

Thanks for subscribing to our services at, operated by Levuro AG.

For Online Purchase Plans, we offer a 14 day trial period for the Starter, Pro, and Business Package. During the trial period of these 14 days, you can cancel your service anytime. If you don’t cancel the trial period, the Initial Term of your service automatically starts for the purchase plan you selected. You can cancel as specified in the term of service Chapter 8.1

If you have chosen monthly payment, the Initial Term is one (1) month. If you have selected yearly payment, the Initial Term is twelve (12) months. Following the Initial Term, the service will automatically renew for an additional period of one (1) month if the Initial Term was one month and twelve (12) months if the Initial Term was one year if you have not canceled or downgraded the services in the online user account before the end of the Term.

If you upgrade your service during the Term, we offer pro rata payment to what you have already paid.

For Enterprise Packages purchased with the order form, we offer customized trial phases like specified in the order form. As standard, we might offer a 7 days trial period, and you will automatically be downgraded after the 7 days trial period to your existing Online Purchase Plan, if not otherwise agreed. The Cancelation of the enterprise package is specified in the term of service chapter 8.1

If you have any additional questions or would like to request a cancelation or refund, feel free to contact us.